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Writer's pictureshaun noteman

The Concept of Allostasis: Understanding the Body's Capacity to Manage Stress

The term allostasis was coined by Sterling and Eyer in 1988 to explain the ability of the body to regulate through change. Allostasis is a term that can be explained as the body’s capacity to regulate through change and adaptation in order to restore balance in view of the various stressors. It is a process which is ongoing and involves the body making changes to its functions to ensure that it can continue to function properly in the presence of various internal and external factors.

In its simplest definition, allostasis is the process through which the body tries to regulate stress and other challenges with an aim of achieving homeostasis. A stressor is any physical, emotional or environmental demand that is placed on the body and when this happens the body’s stress response system is triggered and this involves the use of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Some of these hormones assists in the preparation of the body to face the stressor by increasing the rate of heart beat, the blood pressure and the energy levels.

However, the constantly or frequently activated stress response system could cause damage to the body which is termed as allostatic load. Allostatic load has been linked to a number of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and mental illnesses. Hence, it is crucial that people seek strategies to cope with stress in order to enhance their allostatic balance and reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Some of the strategies that can be used to enhance optimal allostasis include engaging in activities such as mindfulness meditation, yoga and exercising. These activities can assist in the prevention of stress response, decrease in cortisol levels and increase in relaxation and positive feelings. Also, it is possible to support the body’s response to stress and stability by adopting and practicing healthy dietary habits, regular exercise, and regular sleep.

Therefore, allostasis can be considered as the key concept for explaining the way the body works and its capability to manage stress in order to reach homeostasis and support health. By ensuring that we have put in place good measures of stress management and leading a healthy life style, it will be easier to reduce the effects of chronic stress and allostatic load. Health should therefore be an important aspect which people should consider in order to be productive in the society.

Part 2 will explore how this may impact neurodiverse individuals

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